A Guide to Using Essential Oils, Part 2: Relaxation

woman using essential oil

Essential oils are incredibly versatile as they are great for helping with muscle pain. As discussed in part one, essential oils have healing benefits that can relieve soreness and tension in critical areas. 

But just because they are useful for alleviating discomfort does not necessarily mean that you need to be in pain to experience the benefits of essential oils. Just like aromatherapy, these oils are, first and foremost, an aid in relaxation and relief. Here are ways essential oils are used for creating a serene and quiet experience for self-care: 

1 – Your Face

Essential oils can be mixed into facial creams or be worn like face masks for quick rejuvenation. But not all oils are safe for you to put on your face. Some may have intense aromas that are not safe to put anywhere near your eyes. Essential oils with a mild scent and subtle effect on the skin, such as lavender or frankincense, are ideal for relaxing facial mixes. 

Before putting these oils on your face, it’s best to get an expert opinion on them to determine their safety. If you have extremely sensitive skin, have an allergy to certain ingredients, or any skin conditions, you may have to take extra precautions.

2 – Your Hands

Rubbing essential oils on the palms of your hands and bringing them near your nose is a relaxing enough sensation. But other than that, your hands need to be taken care of as well. 

To relax your hands after a long day, you can mix essential oils in your moisturisers. Oils like chamomile and rose with hints of lavender can hydrate rough hands. You can even make a hand sugar scrub using these oils. 

3 – Your Chest

Whenever you get a cold or fever, this area of the body needs relief to help you breathe better and take your mind off the pain. Rubbing a couple of essential oils around can help you feel like things are opening up, helping you breathe slightly better. 

The best essential oil for this job is peppermint or eucalyptus. Individually, these oils have a breezy and cooling effect. When mixed together with other oils such as lavender, they make a potent mix that will send a rush through your body. 

Some Precautions to Remember

Be careful when using these oils on the face. Make sure to keep it away from the eyes and mucus membranes as much as possible. 

Remember that not all essential oils are suitable for everyone. If you have an allergic reaction to any of them, it’s best to stay away from them. Also, be advised that there are a select few that are safe for children. Ask an expert on which oils you can use on your children before applying them.


Having something pleasing such as essential oils rubbed around your body, face, and hands may soothe you after a stressful day. But it is also important to remember not to be heavily reliant on their benefits. They do not replace modern medicine, so if something doesn’t feel right, you need to consult your doctor. But that doesn’t change that they are true home must-haves that come in handy when you need relief and relaxation.

Are you looking for essential oil supplies in your area near Perth? Anita’s Oil Essentials is the go-to shop for you. Our family-owned shop sells high-quality essential oils and accessories ideal for everyone who wants to discover the essential oil realm’s potential benefits. Check out all of our items today!

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