Meditating: Try These 5 Essential Oil Diffuser Blends to Help You Relax More!


Essential oils have taken the wellness world by storm over the last few years. In alignment with the worldwide movement to go back to basics and turn to nature for our needs, essential oils are nature’s greatest gifts distilled into a tiny bottle. They’re incredibly potent and are known for helping alleviate many symptoms, like stress and inflammation.

Another notable benefit of essential oils is the remarkable role they play in meditation. When you’re centring yourself and attuning your body to your surroundings, you’ll need to have a calm mind, which essential oil diffuser blends can help you achieve. Everyone responds to essential oils differently, so it helps to find a combination that works for you to nurture your meditation.

Directions to Follow

To diffuse an essential oil blend, select one of the recipes below and follow the instructions. Put the blend in a dark-coloured glass container. Once you try the mix and find that it agrees with you, feel free to make more. However, avoid exceeding the number of drops needed per recipe, as an extra drop can throw the recipe off and produce other effects.

Once your blend is ready, add one to three drops to your diffuser. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to make sure you add the appropriate amount.

Five Blends to Try

1. Sandalwood, Patchouli, and Bergamot

This blend contains four drops of sandalwood, three drops of bergamot, and two drops of patchouli essential oils. Sandalwood and patchouli are both intense, potent oils that are known for their calming and grounding effects. Bergamot helps balance the two and softens the blend.

2. Frankincense, Myrrh, and Elemi

You’ll need four drops of Frankincense, three drops of myrrh, and three drops of elemi essential oils for this recipe. All three essential oils are distilled from resins, which have played a crucial role in spirituality and meditation. Putting them together in a blend and diffusing them will undoubtedly help you feel more in tune with the universe and help you feel at peace.

3. Cistus, Virginian Cedarwood, and Sandalwood

This recipe calls for four drops of sandalwood essential oil, four drops of Virginian cedarwood essential oil, and two drops of Cistus essential oil. Cistus pairs exceptionally well with Virginian cedarwood and sandalwood oils since it helps ground the effects of the two while inducing feelings of relief and support.

4. Frankincense, Helichrysum, and Sweet Orange

You’ll need four drops of frankincense, four drops of helichrysum, and two drops of sweet orange essential oils in this recipe. Many people enjoy diffusing frankincense for helping them achieve the state of mind integral to meditation. Helichrysum oil is also excellent for spiritual applications, so combining the two will surely help you feel more connected to the world. Adding a bit of sweet orange oil to it sweetens the blend and adds a softer touch.

5. Juniper Berry, Virginian Cedarwood, and Palo Santo

For this blend, you’ll need three drops of palo santo, three drops of Virginian cedarwood, and two drops of juniper berry essential oils. Palo santo essential oil is taken from the dead wood of the tree by distilling its steam. This, in tandem with juniper berry oils, are excellent for clearing an area of negative energy. Meanwhile, Virginia cedarwood supports meditation and mindfulness.

Considerations to Make 

Many essential oils are taken from plants currently threatened with extinction or overharvesting, so it’s vital to purchase essential oils from companies that practice sustainability. Some of the essential oils you’ll want to try when meditating include atlas cedarwood, elemi, palo santo, sandalwood, frankincense, and spikenard.

Additionally, essential oils are meant to be used by adults. Each drop contains a potent amount of the extract, so it is prudent to be very careful when dispensing them. Essential oils are pure and undiluted, and some blends contain phototoxic oils, so they shouldn’t be applied to your skin. More importantly, these blends are designed to relax you, so avoid diffusing them when you’re about to drive, operate heavy machinery, or require complete focus on a task. 


It can be difficult to find time to meditate with so many distractions vying for your attention. However, by diffusing any of these blends, you’ll have an easier time connecting with yourself and the world and enjoy a productive meditation.

If you lack ingredients for these blends, check us out at Anita’s Oil Essentials! We sell aromatherapy accessories, diffusers, and essential oil supplies in Perth. We are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality products. Check out our catalogue today!